What Now?

A person wearing a light denim jacket holding a pile of books in one arm

Dropping out is a bold and brave decision so try to give yourself breathing space before moving on to the next chapter in your life.

Feel your feelings

This is top of the list because it’s one of the most important things to do after dropping out. Particularly if you’ve had a difficult time at university or college, give yourself time to acknowledge the different emotions you’re feeling about the experience you’ve had and the decision you’ve made. Ask for, and accept, help from people who love you unconditionally.

Tell your housemates

If you’re living in a privately rented house or flat with other people and plan on moving out, we recommend letting them know ASAP. This gives everyone more time to find someone to take your room, which should help you to avoid paying for a room you’re no longer occupying. Have a conversation about how you’re all going to find a new tenant, and invite a friend or family member for support if you’re worried.

Although we advise telling your housemates that you’re leaving, remember that you don’t need to divulge your reasons for dropping out if you don’t want to, or justify your decision to anyone else.

Get some cash back

Consider selling any textbooks you own to your coursemates if you don’t want to keep them, and make sure you return any library books or borrowed equipment so that you don’t get fined.

If you bought a student bus or gym pass for the year, you may be able to get a partial refund.